How to file online harassment complaint #AAH
In this video Ms Akancha Srivastava- Founder of ‘Akancha Against Harassment’ gives 3 tips on how to file online harassment complaints. Please follow them to be confident about reporting any incident on social media or any other online platform..
First amongst the 3 tips on how to file online harassment complaints is that when things go wrong, please stay calm & file a detailed written complaint. It should have all records, time, evidence, sequence of events. You can submit it online & keep the acknowledgement safely.
Second amongst the 3 tips on how to file online harassment complaints is that if this harassment has happened on any social media, it has to be reported to them immediately. Social media platforms take swift action on complaints of serious threats. In any case, you need to have a record that you reported the incident.
Third & very important amongst the 3 tips on how to file online harassment complaints is that if you feel that your life is in danger, approach your nearest police station immediately. Just like if you fell every unwell, you would rush to a doctor, please do exactly the same. Submit all details & keep a copy of the acknowledgement safely.
अगर आप को कोई ऑनलाइन परेशान कर रहा हो तो उसको रिपोर्ट करने के लिए यह ३ टिप्स याद रखें
१- पूरी जानकारी लिखित रूप में, विस्तार में इकट्ठी करें, कब- कहाँ,क्यों,टाइम, सारे प्रूफ – जमा कर के पे भी सबमिट करें, इसकी रसीद को सुरक्षित रखें
२- अगर यह घटना किसी सोशल मीडिया पे हुई है तो तुरंत वहां भी रिपोर्ट करें!
३- यदि आपको जान का खतरा लग रहा है तो तुरंत अपने नज़दीकी पुलिस थाने जाएँ और रिपोर्ट दर्ज़ करवाएं
Watch this quick video, follow these 3 tips on how to file online harassment complaints if you ever feel threatened online.
Stay Aware, Stay Safe.
Twitter: @AkanchaS
Instagram: @akanchas