We love gifts, we love being celebrated. I was away on my birthday this year, when I got back there were so many gifts waiting for me and it instantly made me feel so happy, celebrated, loved. I quickly opened each one and carefully checked the senders for all. Checked out, every single one from people I knew. Cos if there was any from someone I didn’t recognize, I would immediately report & trash it.

Lets understand why. Many reasons but lets explore top few.


There’s a new scam where criminals are sending these gifts anonymously, sometimes even packaged in reputed online store packaging. There is a whole video on my channel explaining how our data is being leaked by various sources whether our watchmen, online store employees, warehouse workers and others.


These criminals zero in on most vulnerable victims and send these gifts. When you receive them, you are happy & curious to know the sender. There will be a QR code inside the box & a message asking you to scan that code to reveal your mystery admirer.

If you fall for this trap and scan the code or that code takes you to another link which you click, it could very well be tata, okay, bye bye to your information, bank accounts, loss of reputation, social profiles…everything awful you can think of.

It could also be physically dangerous to accept unexpected gifts. Someone could send you life threatening stuff that might explode, poison, we just don’t know.


Additionally, if the delivery person behaves annoyed and says that if you don’t accept the gift, he will generate an OTP that will be sent to you which is needed by him. Under any circumstances, do not do so. Again, same threats. Clearly refuse and tell him he can do as he likes, close the door immediately. You can speak to customer service of the online site if package displays one and share your concern.


Remember that not every gift is good news.

Stay Aware, Stay Safe.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat!



Website: www.AkanchaSrivastava.Org


Twitter: @AkanchaS

Instagram: @akanchas





‘Akancha Srivastava Foundation’ leads India’s largest social impact initiative for cyber safety.  It was founded in February 2017. It’s a not-for-profit Section 8 organization.

Honorary Board of Advisors

Foundation’s advisory board hosts – Former Special DGP RK Vij (Chattisgarh), ADG Navniet Sekera (Uttar Pradesh), ADG Krishna Prakash (Maharashtra), Dr Poonam Verma (Principal- SSCBS, Delhi University)

Mission of the Foundation

The initiative aims at Education, Empowerment & Bridging of general population with the authorities on matters of cyber safety. Foundation also conducts forensics training for law enforcement.