Firstly, it shouldn’t really need to be listed down why you need to attend a workshop on fighting online harassment but still, let me make it simple. If the list below doesn’t scare you enough, you are already in trouble. Snap out of it.

  1. EVERYONE using a smart phone/ internet in any form is vulnerable to this menace.
  2. No, you are not “too smart/intelligent” to be a victim.
  3. How to avoid forming internet patterns
  4. Learn about the do’s /dont’s of social media
  5. What really classifies as ‘abuse’, do you know?
  6. What are the punishable offenses in our law, know about them
  7. Teach your young children & parents about online safety
  8. Learn how to approach the authorities if you are ever targeted
  9. How to reclaim your life after being hit by any such incident
  10. The scars that don’t show run deepest. How do you work your way out of it.

Also recommend that you watch this TED Talk by Monica Lewinsky: The Price of Shame

Watch how ruthlessly the world of digital media can lynch you & drive you to brink of insanity.

I am opening registrations tomorrow for across 5 cities. Please come.

Let’s make online a safe place.

Twitter: @AkanchaS

